Sports Club

The Sports club is committed to provide a healthy sporting habit among the students. It helps to learn teamwork at work, coordination among diverse cultural & ethnic groups and mainly infuses discipline & instills the value system in one individual. Value of time, precision & competitiveness are the major learning points apart from communication, coordination & teamwork.

Ayurveda & Community

Department of Ayurveda & Community has been established under the aegis of IES University, Bhopal. The University is well established and has made a prestigious position in central India by providing value added quality education and ensuring overall development of students Department of Ayurveda & Community offers four and half years bachelor (B.A.M.S.) course.

Literary Club

The college has a 10600 sq. ft. A.C. Digital Library with 12000 numbers of text books and reference books. Library also subscribes National & International journals/periodicals and Broad Band internet facility to keep students abreast on the latest developments in diversified disciplines in technical education as well as for general awareness. The Library is opened beyond the normal office working hours.

Career Development Centre

IES University fosters an environment for the holistic development. Career Development Centre counsels the students based on the their aptitude and interest in varied sectors like- Government sectors, PSUs and Private sector or even Higher Studies and also frequently organizes Orientation programs, guest lectures, industry visits, forums, corporate get-togethers & Alumni Interaction etc.




This department deals with Ayurved Kriya Sharir as well as modern physiology. Sharir Kriya is the science, which deals with the study of human body in relation to its physiological norms i.e. functioning of human body in its normal state. The whole purpose of Kriya Sharir is to explore the normal functions of the living organism, their principles, their mechanism and their actions. According to Ayurveda, sharir kriya deals with the various basic concepts of Ayurveda as Dosha, Dhatu, Mala, Agni, Manas, Atma, etc. Physiology is a branch of basic medical sciences which describes the nature of life. Physiology has an important role in the curative, promotive and rehabilitative health care. Studying ‘Kriya Sharir’ (physiology) is very important as it is the base of treating any disease, our aim is to equip the students in the discipline of normal body functions according to Ayurveda as well as modern physiology by imparting knowledge and understanding structures and functions of human and biological systems based on experiments and training.




Explain the basic concepts of human physiology in Ayurveda

Provide a good platform for BAMS students to understand the intricacies of normal body functions.

Conduct regular assessments both in theory as well as objective structured practical exams.

To analyze and record the fundamental parameters relation to physiology like Deha Prakriti, Dhatu Sara in a healthy individual.

Improve performance of the students by class seminars, group discussions, presentation by concept posters, or working models or PPT presentations.


Departmental Features

Computer and internet facility.

Departmental library is well maintained with maximum number of books.

The department is fully equipped with latest equipments and instruments.

Models of various systems and charts are displayed for better visualization.The department has its own laboratory where different tests are performed like heamatological, biochemical etc and clinical examination.

Department caters to students study materials using advanced techniques for teaching including audio-visual aids.




Latest News

B.A.M.S. (Bachelor Of Ayurveda Medicine

And Surgery) – Ayurvedachary


Duration - 4.5 Year Program + 1 Year Internship.


ELIGIBILITY - Require a Higher Secondary

Certificate a minimum of 50% (PCB)

with NEET Entrance exam qualification.


Department of Ayurveda And Community


Welcomming 2nd Bactch of BAMS


B.A.M.S Vedaarambha 2023



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